2001 Billy Jack Talton Award for the Coach of the Year
As Interviewed by Katie Ford

KF: Congratulations! First off, what’s your reaction to receiving the “Coach of the Year Award”?

KF: Have you worked with Dr. Talton before?

KF: Tell us a little about yourself.

KF: When I asked others what qualities they felt merited your earning the Coach of the Year Award, time and time again the answer was your concern for the Jr. Lifter. One such comment came from Mike O’Donnell, “I would say that the best qualities about Jim are that he is concerned and in contact with his lifters on a day to day basis, not just at the competition. This is tough and takes a lot of time and energy on top of team management. Another attribute is his emphasis on the importance of Junior lifters, he knows without them powerlifting in the USA will die soon. 2 Jr. world team members are on the open men’s team this year and there are more to come. Jim also understands the need for patience while dealing with immature Junior lifters…guiding them along while sometimes they would just as soon quit the sport or do something stupid to hinder their performance. Jim is often given ugly tasks because he knows how to do the dirty work involved in coaching…he can do it all and deserves the recognition.” Can you tell us some of your philosophies with regard to training young lifters?

KF: Earlier, you spoke about work on the Coaches Committee. Can you elaborate on that?

KF: What coaching accomplishments are you most proud of?

KF: What are some goals that you see for our Federation?

KF: What do you see as some of the biggest problems facing PL’ing today?

KF: Which are?

KF: Thanks for your time, and once again, congratulations on your award.