July 1996 through June 1997 Urinalysis Testing by Month

ICT = In Competition Tests Conducted
OCT = Out of Competition Tests Conducted

Month & Year Sanctioned
ICT – Meet
Dir. Funded*
USA Powerlifting
OCT – USA Powerlifting Funded Total Tests/Mon.
July 1996 11 32 14 1 47
Aug. 1996 6 33 0 1 34
Sept. 1996 6 29 0 3 32
Oct. 1996 11 53 0 5 58
Nov. 1996 23 74 14 0 88
Dec. 1996 14 48 0 1 49
Jan. 1997 6 20 0 0 20
Feb. 1997 15 71 7 2 80
Mar. 1997 27 126 33 6 165
Apr.1997 15 64 10 7 81
May 1997 18 82 0 3 85
June 1997 16 57 13 4 74
Year Totals 168 689 91 33 813


*ICT Meet Director Funded with reimbursement of 15 -20% of Lab Costs by USA Powerlifting

*OCT Testing is generally conducted with no advance notice to the athlete. A small percentage of these tests were conducted with 12-24 hours notice.

*All tests are reported here by collection date. Verification of these test numbers by Quest Diag-nostics, Inc. will vary slightly as their reporting is generated from processing dates.

*Polygraph testing is not represented here, as it’s use as a form of testing has been discontinued fol-lowing the March 1, 1997 special NGB Meeting.

*This document is presented as evidence of the ongoing Drug Testing/Doping Control Programs of USA Powerlifting. We would be pleased to submit to an independent, professional audit of these statistics, if required. Other Powerlifting Federations are encouraged to report the progress of their DT/DC Programs in this manner.